How many diets have you been on? Do you think that calorie counting for weight loss is the only way?
Let me tell you that this just is not true. Understanding how certain foods are higher in calories can be helpful, however, you do not need to be counting calories to lose weight. In fact, I advise against it when trying to create lifelong changes.
In this blog post I will be sharing with you why calorie counting for weight loss is not the best option and what you should do instead.
With each blog post, I like to give you the opportunity to claim this AMAZING free 3 step guide to help you get your started on your healing journey.
In “3 steps to overcoming restrictive dieting and emotional eating” you will learn the 3 most important steps in healing your relationship with food.
You can claim your free guide by clicking the blue button above.
Why Calorie Counting For Weight Loss is Not the Best Option: What to do Instead
Calorie Counting for Weight Loss Can Cause You to Hyper - Focus on Calories Instead of Your Health and Nutrition
When calorie counting for weight loss you can become more worried about how many calories you are eating rather than the nutrition that you are bringing into your diet.
A few common examples :
- Instead of having a piece of fruit you may reach for a low-calorie pre-packaged snack:
By doing this you are missing out on the extra nutrition that a wholefood option, like fruit, provides (fibre, antioxidants and micro-nutrients). You really can’t beat wholefoods in terms of nutrition and calorie counting diets can cause people to pick packaged foods over wholefoods.
- You may “save up calories” for a certain meal or event by not eating enough throughout the day:
This results in a day where you go hungry and don’t consume the nutritious foods that your body needs. You also increase the chances of overeating, because when you start eating later you may feel so restricted that you end up overeating anyway.
Calorie Counting for Weight Loss Can Increase Overeating if you are Undereating Calories
In the short term you may find that calorie counting for weight loss is doable, but eventually you will find that you start to overeat in certain situations (like the one described above). The feeling of restriction that dieting creates in general will also be something that causes you to overeat.
For example, when you tell yourself you cannot have chocolate, you are putting chocolate on a pedestal, reinforcing in your mind that it is a “naughty” , “delicious” food.
By doing this you create/ reinforce this dynamic with food where you are being naughty if you eat the food, and when you do eat the food you are very likely to overeat it. This feeds into the restrict/ binge (or overeat) cycle.

Instead of Calorie Counting for Weight Loss Focus on the Quality of Food you are Eating
Focus on nourishing your body, rather than losing weight. The weight loss WILL come if you are able to make this shift in focus.
Bring in more wholefoods and have fun with it! This is supposed to be exciting, you have decided to create these changes to further take care of YOU!
This also involves getting to a place where you can believe that you are worthy of being healthy. Here are a few blog posts that will help you with these things!
Including more healthy foods in your diet:
Healing your relationship with food:
Eat to Satiety and Listen to Your Bodies Hunger Cues
As humans our energy needs will fluctuate each day. This is not taken into account when calorie counting for weight loss. We can end up feeling extra hungry one day, but be “out” of calories for the day: resulting in one of two things – going to bed hungry or “overeating”.
Instead, we need to start listening to our bodies – if we feel hungry then eat, regardless of how much we have or have not eaten that day. If we feel hungry then our bodies are simply after more nutrition.
Don't Overthink it
Wholefoods are your best option when it comes to nutrition and nourishing your body. I know there is so much conflicting information out there, but do not let this overwhelm you. Focus on the basics, wholefoods.
In Closing:
I hope you have a better insight into why calorie counting for weight loss is not the best choice. Overall, these diets do not promote long term lifestyle changes.
Remember to claim your free guide “3 steps to overcoming restrictive dieting and emotional eating” to get you started on your healing journey.
Click here to download it:
Resources You Might Find Helpful
Blog post: 3 steps to include more healthy foods without feeling like you are on a diet:
Blog post: 5 crucial learnings in healing your relationship with food and yourself:
Freedom From Restrictive Dieting and Emotional Eating – Come Join Us Here
Healing your relationship with food is no small feat and having others around you who are on the same journey can really help! That is exactly why I created this Facebook group.
This is a safe space for you to meet others, engage and learn as you embark on your healing journey.
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